Rental Revamp

A Colorful, Wanderlust-Inspired Apartment in Montclair, New Jersey

Step inside the vibrant and whimsical Montclair, New Jersey apartment of Tamiko Hargrove.

Filled with bursts of color, lively floral arrangements, and unique treasures from around the globe, Tamiko's apartment is a true reflection of her adventurous spirit and eclectic taste. Dubbed "grandma's house glammed up," her style is a delightful blend of antique charm and modern flair, creating a space that exudes warmth and happiness.

As the founder of her own home décor business called A Wanderlust Home, Tamiko has learned how to tastefully blend colors and styles to create a cohesive vision that tells a story. Her creative DIYs, too, add to the one-bedroom apartment’s quirky feel.